Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

                                                                                                    Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

                                                                If you have concerns about a child or adult at risk of abuse, please fill out this form.

                                                   The information you will provide will go immediately to the Safeguarding Committee of SGI-UK.

        Fill out this form with deatils of your concern, trying to be precise and as clear as you can, remembering to provide as much factual information as possible.

                                                           If you have a reason to believe that anyone is in immediate risk of harm call the Police on 999.

                                                                                      Afterwards, please complete this form as soon as possible.


Details of the individual at risk
Your details
Please provide details of the incident or concerns you have, including times, dates, description of any injuries, whether information is first hand or the accounts of others, including any other relevant details
If you have spoken to their family, please provide details of what was said
Please choose
Have you informed the police or social services before filling in this form?
If you have, please provide details.
If yes please state